The Cumberland Housing Group is a collection of government and nonprofit agencies conducting business under one common “doing business as” name for simplicity and efficiency purposes. All agencies have common goals, a unified mission, and a combined physical operation. These agencies are tasked with operating numerous Local, State and Federal housing programs and services to support the City of Cumberland and Allegany County. Any reference to the Cumberland Housing Group includes all individual agencies under the Group.
The Housing Authority of the City of Cumberland was created in 1949 by Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland due to the need for low rent housing for financially challenged families. A contract between the Housing Authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) binds the Housing Authority to rent to lower income families. HUD guarantees a subsidy to pay the interest and retirement of bonds sold by the Housing Authority to finance the Developments and also pays a limited operating subsidy. The Housing Authority is a non-profit entity operating under the laws of the State of Maryland to provide housing for low-income families within the City of Cumberland.
On April 1, 2019, the Housing Authority of Allegany County, which was formed in 1981 and served the same purpose, was transferred into our Housing Authority to maximize efficiency and save costs.
The Cumberland Housing Alliance was organized in 1999 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt organization to provide housing development services to the Housing Authority of the City of Cumberland. The Cumberland Housing Alliance works with local, State and Federal entities to develop and construct new affordable housing.
The mission of the Cumberland Housing Group is to: